Samuel Keuls joined Paulussen Advocaten as a lawyer in 2019. He studied Dutch Law at the University of Maastricht and during his studies he worked for over a year and a half as a legal assistant at a local law firm.
Samuel’s practice has a strong private law orientation. In particular, he advises and litigates in matters concerning real estate, liability and business contracts. In 2024, he graduated cum laude from the Grotius Academy’s Real Estate specialization course. During this course, he thoroughly immersed himself in the main legal topics surrounding the purchase, rental, construction and management of real estate.
In addition, Samuel is particularly interested in the (legal) challenges of making society more sustainable. This translates, among other things, into his involvement in Roger Cox’s lawsuit on behalf of Milieudefensie et al. against Shell, in which Shell was called to account for its inadequate climate policy.
Samuel has registered the following areas of law in the Register of Jurisdictions of the Dutch Bar Association:
– Real estate law
– General practice (Civil law).
Pursuant to this registration, he is required to obtain ten training points in each registered main area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.