The relativity of loan termination due to climate liability


If a bank wants to terminate a loan early, legal barriers sometimes stand in the way of doing so. Does this affect the bank’s climate obligations, or its ability to meet them? Climate obligations demand banks to engage with clients, helping and urging clients to deliver on their climate duties. If necessary, banks must increase […]

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Banks’ climate liability: what to learn from states and oil majors


Banks are no real-economy actors, but they do face a very real risk of climate liability. Indirectly, because of the litigation impending on clients with greenhouse gas-intensive activities and products. Directly, because banks may fail their own legal duty to actively reduce their (financed) emissions. This latter risk is particularly relevant to many banks considering […]

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Beroepsopleiding Advocaten: interview met Roger Cox


Onlangs gaf Roger Cox een interview aan de Beroepsopleiding Advocaten. De Beroepsopleiding Advocaten is de officiële tweejarige opleiding van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten. Iedere rechtenstudent die advocaat moet in die periode een stageverklaring halen en deze opleiding met succes voltooien. Het interview met Roger is hieronder weergegeven. De inhoud is vooral relevant voor rechtenstudenten […]

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Radio interview with Roger Cox


This week Canadian Eco Shock Radio aired a 20 minute interview with our partner and award-winning climate litigator Roger Cox. He talks about the success of the precedent setting Urgenda climate case and the need for more involvement of the legal community in climate change related issues. For listening click on this link and scroll […]

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Travelling the globe to advance climate litigation against governments


During the past few months our colleague Roger Cox has travelled the globe to give lectures and workshops regarding Urgenda’s successful climate litigation against the Dutch Government. His travels included visits to universities and conferences in Sydney, New York, London, Paris, Barcelona, Oslo, Vienna, Toronto, Melbourne and Philadelphia. One of his lectures can be viewed […]

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Bankruptcy Macintosh Retail Group N.V., Hoogenbosch Retail Group B.V., and others


Dear Sir, Madam,   1   Bankruptcy Macintosh Retail Group N.V. On December 22nd 2015, the District Court of Limburg (location Maastricht) ordered the suspension of payment with respect to the public limited liability company Macintosh Retail Group N.V. (hereafter referred to as “MRG”), with its main office at (NL-6199 AE) Maastricht-Airport, Amerikalaan 100 and appointed […]

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Urgenda Foundation vs the State of the Netherlands


The international publication regarding the Dutch Climate Case won by Roger Cox against the Dutch government appeared this month.  In this article the courtcase and the verdict are explained.  Furthermore, the verdict is placed in context of other climate-related courtcases worldwide as wel as the international importance of the verdict detailed.  The article was published by the Centre of International Governance […]

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Roger Cox on Canadian TV


This month, Canadians were able to watch the TV Interview with Roger Cox about the lawsuit he recently won – the Climate case vs the State of the Netherlands.  Roger explains the how and why aspects concerning this historical lawsuit during an interview by the current affairs program “The Agenda” from Canada’s TVO network. Click here for the interview

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Judges Can Save Us From Climate Change, And They’ve Already Started


A new trend is on the horizon. Concerned about the dangers of climate change and the violation of fundamental rights held by citizens, courts are requiring governments to take adequate actions to limit greenhouse gas emissions. On June 23rd in the U.S. and June 24th, 2015 in the Netherlands, news broke simultaneously on opposites sides […]

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Urgenda wint de Klimaatzaak


Op woensdag 24 juni heeft de rechtbank in Den Haag uitspraak gedaan in de klimaatzaak. De stichting Urgenda ( werd onder meer bijgestaan door mr. Roger Cox. Paulussen is trots op dit resultaat. De klimaatzaak gaat erover of de Nederlandse Staat voldoende doet tegen de opwarming van de aarde die een gevaarlijke klimaatverandering veroorzaakt. Dat […]

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Opening of Parkstad office


Expansion of services from 1 January 2015 upon merger with Nijbakker Advocaten With the opening of a new office in Parkstad, Maastricht-based law firm Paulussen Advocaten NV is further expanding its portfolio of services. The expansion has been brought about through a merger with Nijbakker Advocaten of Heerlen. The two law firms share a common […]

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