During the past few months our colleague Roger Cox has travelled the globe to give lectures and workshops regarding Urgenda’s successful climate litigation against the Dutch Government. His travels included visits to universities and conferences in Sydney, New York, London, Paris, Barcelona, Oslo, Vienna, Toronto, Melbourne and Philadelphia. One of his lectures can be viewed in this video
His roundtable discussions with academics and lawyers have shown that globally there is a lot of interest in initiating more climate litigation against governments. This interest is further fuelled by the recent Paris climate agreement because the consensus from Paris is that each and every country has an individual responsibility to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to prevent dangerous climate change. As with the Urgenda case, national courts could help establish what this individual responsibility entails for its national government and help define the compulsory emission reduction targets that arise from this responsibility. This way, national courts can advance the proper implementation of the Paris agreement.
Want to know more?
The strategy behind Roger’s successful climate litigation and a summary of this landmark ruling can be read here.
His blog post on the implementation of the Paris Agreement through national courts can be read here.
Roger’s book Revolution Justified on solving the climate crisis can be ordered at Amazon via this link or directly through Roger’s foundation via this link.
For more information contact Roger directly at r.cox@paulussen.nl
Nieuws OverzichtGreen seats for carbon offsetting are used for travelling abroad