Healthcare and medical

John Huppertz

Healthcare is a sector that is constantly evolving. Currently it is being transformed by market forces, deregulation and economies of scale. These developments are putting medical and care institutions, hospitals and university medical centres under pressure, placing an increasing burden not only on staff but also on administrators – compelling them to deliver more whilst spending less. Additionally, the recently growing dominance of insurance companies is necessitating changes to the care on offer. Our firm is a long-standing partner of various medical and care institutions and hospitals. We have extensive knowledge and experience of this sector and use it on a daily basis, with all relevant areas of expertise represented in-house. Our consultanting services span the full healthcare spectrum, including the option to litigate if needed, and our in-depth knowledge of all branches of law which play a part in this sector ensure a positive outcome.

Our firm is dedicated to achieving results that are supported by all parties, employing a rigorous and scrupulous approach and taking account of the specific circumstances of the healthcare sector and the institution concerned. As part of a team, our lawyers can draw on each other’s expertise and address healthcare-related issues quickly, developing a clear strategy and subsequently helping our clients to implement that strategy. Moreover, our insight goes beyond healthcare law, medical disciplinary law and professional liability; we can also offer specialised in-house knowledge on issues relating to ICT law, competition law, mergers and contract law, to name a few.
