Administration, guardianship and mentorship

If you, a family member or some other affected party is confronted with a situation in which a loved one is no longer able to look after their own proprietary and/or immaterial interests and you need to know which options are available, you can turn to us for expert guidance.

We can advise you on the most appropriate measure to take – administration, guardianship or mentorship – depending on the severity of the situation. If it comes to subdistrict court proceedings, we can also act as your authorised representative, if desired. Alternatively, if you yourself are under administration, guardianship or mentorship, you can turn to us for legal assistance in suits concerning imposed measures or in any disputes with an administrator, guardian or mentor.
Administrators, guardians and mentors can also turn to us for advice on the rights and duties entailed in their role or regarding their relationship with the person on whom the measure has been imposed.