Architects occupy a unique position in any building process, alongside other consultants such as site managers and structural engineers. By virtue of their role, architects and other consultants (operations managers, design engineers) may find themselves confronted with issues involving errors in design, supervision or calculations, the untimely termination of an engagement, contract variations, standstills or copyright infringements.
Our firm can help architects and other consultants deal with these and related issues and disputes with clients. We can also assist those clients. For instance, we can advise clients on options for recovering constructional damages arising due to an error made by a consultant from that consultant, or on the most effective means to cancel an engagement.
We are also approached by consultants and clients alike to provide advice during the contracting phase, often involving the application of standards and regulations governing the legal relationships between clients and architects, engineers and consultants (DNR 2005, DNR 2011 and, less frequently now, SR 1997 and RVOI 2001).
As well as advising clients and consultants, we can furthermore conduct legal proceedings on their behalf before the civil court or the Dutch Court of Arbitration for the Building Industry.