You probably assume that you have sufficient cover for all possible risks to you or to your business. But in reality, when the worst happens, insurance companies do not always pay out, instead keeping tight hold of their purse strings. This can have drastic consequences for the continuity of your business.
In such cases, you have to analyse the conditions of your policy to ascertain whether the loss event is covered by your insurance, and may furthermore have to convince your insurer to pay out the risk cover under the policy. We have the expertise and experience to assess the policy conditions for fire, buildings and business liability insurance and, if needed, to convince insurance companies to pay out claims.
Where necessary we can also represent your interests in an action against your insurance company or insurance advisor. Of course, we also know that prevention is better than cure, and would be happy to advise you when choosing a policy. Among the aspects we can assess are the scope of the coverage and relevant exclusions, along with questions about over and under-insurance, guarantees against under-insurance and all other conditions relevant to you.