Parenting plan and division of child care

When a divorce involves children, it is often even more disruptive and complex than where there are no children at issue. As of 1 March 2009, the law seeks to minimise the disruption that children who are still minors may experience as a result of their parents’ divorce by obligating parents to consult with each other to make arrangements for the care and upbringing of their children after their own relationship has ended. These agreements are recorded in a parenting plan.
A parenting plan must in any case include arrangements for the children’s principal residence and the division of their care and upbringing (care arrangement), the division of the associated costs (child maintenance) and also the way in which the parents communicate important information concerning their children, such as when choosing which school to attend and regarding illness.
Parents who were cohabiting are likewise expected to draw up a parenting plan upon ending their cohabitation relationship in order to arrange how they will share the care of their children.

If you would like advice about a parenting plan or assistance in drawing one up or in dealing with any ensuing issues concerning the division of childcare, please contact the specialists at our firm.