Privacy protection is becoming ever more important for authorities, care institutions and medical institutions, amongst others.
The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) provides broad and rigorous protection of privacy and of privacy sensitive data in both the public and private sectors and lays down rules and frameworks for the processing of personal data.
Medical institutions, for example, hold sensitive information about patients, including personal treatment data, which are stored in various digital systems such as the electronic health record (EPD). Patients’ privacy sensitive data are needed for medical professionals to perform their work effectively, but they also have to be properly protected.
Our firm has extensive experience and specialised knowledge of privacy law and personal data protection, as well as practical experience of enforcement of the law by the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA). Having advised numerous authorities, care institutions, hospitals and higher education institutions on privacy law, we are well-qualified to advise your organisation about how to protect data and on making arrangements to this end with third parties.