Social security is a public system intended to provide guaranteed income and/or healthcare in situations where individuals or families are temporarily or permanently unable to provide for sufficient income and/or care themselves.
Often, this involves situations of occupational disability, illness or unemployment. There are a number of different social insurance schemes that are relevant for employers and employees, several of which are laid down in the following laws:
– Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act (Wet werk en inkomen naar arbeidsvermogen): governs the right of employees to occupational disability benefits in the event of full and permanent occupational disability;
– Unemployment Insurance Act (Werkloosheidswet): provides insurance for employees who lose their job;
– Sickness Benefits Act (Ziektewet): provides for benefits for people who do not or no longer have an employer;
– Work and Social Assistance Act (Wet werk en bijstand): provides support for workforce integration and assistance for people with little or no other income.
In the Dutch legal system social insurance plays an important role in both public service and labour law. Our firm advises numerous clients in these areas of law and can offer in-depth knowledge of social insurance and social security legislation. Whether a case concerns dismissal, illness or the termination of employment by mutual agreement (through a settlement agreement), it is crucial to take account of the specific rules that apply at every step.
As specialists in this area, we are fully familiar with all the statutory regulations and can provide customised advice on any issue in this broad domain.