In our densely populated country, good relationships among neighbours are clearly desirable, and yet often lacking. We can advise you about the rights and duties that apply between owners of neighbouring properties as well as on ways of coming to terms with each other.
There are all manner of factors that can lead to problems between owners of neighbouring properties, whether the parties involved are private individuals, businesses or government organisations. These include nuisance from noise, smells, overhanging branches or trees that block light or the view. In such cases, you may be unsure to what extent you are expected to tolerate the situation and if any loss or damage you suffer as a consequence will be compensated. Or you may have a dispute concerning a property boundary or boundary partition, or be subject to a limitation of ownership or restricted rights.
From situations that have not escalated yet but require steps to be taken, to those in which the relationship between the parties is already impaired, we can provide support both on the legal front and in communications with the counterparty. If you wish, you can also call in the assistance of one of our team’s experienced mediators, which can often head off protracted and expensive legal proceedings.