Tenancy and agricultural tenancy law

Tenancy law offers protection on many fronts, but can equally present unexpected pitfalls. Do tenancy agreements definitively end upon giving notice of termination, or can a tenant refuse to vacate the building nonetheless? If you are a tenant, is it wise to agree to the general terms and conditions of the ROZ Real Estate Council of the Netherlands? What constitutes a defect, and what are its potential consequences? And can your landlord raise your rent, or can you get it enforceably reduced? These are just a few examples.
A carefully composed tenancy agreement can prevent problems down the road. Our firm is an expert in this area of law and can draw up customised tenancy agreements. We also provide clients with legal counsel in disputes before the subdistrict court. We advise both landlords and tenants, with clients including housing associations, investors, area developers, businesses and private individuals.
Services we offer include:
– drawing up and assessing tenancy agreements;
– disputes concerning defects, upkeep and renovations;
– notification of termination and dissolution of tenancy agreements;
– invoking security of tenure for retail and residential leases;
– protection against eviction;
– tenancy agreements under the Vacant Property Act (Leegstandwet);
– rent adjustments;
– substitution and subletting;
– compensation for demolition and implementation of zoning plans;
– providing guarantees for rental payment;
– bankruptcy of the landlord or tenant.

We also advise on matters of agricultural tenancy. Though similar in many respects to ordinary tenancy, there are a number of specific features that distinguish agricultural tenancy. We would be happy to advise you on the formulation of a customised agricultural tenancy agreement that satisfies all the statutory requirements, or on disputes of any kind arising from the effectuation of an agricultural tenancy agreement.